2001-2002 Activities
Monthly Monday meetings commence with a Members' Reception in the Ruttan
Room (the Faculty Lounge, 3rd Floor) in the Chemistry Department at 5.30 pm
for cheese, wine and conviviality, and for members to meet the invited speaker.
Then either in this lounge, or in the basement lecture theatre, room 10,
the Lecture is given at 6PM. Members and their guests
then retire to the Faculty Club for dinner with the speaker.
Click on the links below to view the poster & abstract of the event. Use the back button on your browser to return to this index.
17 September |
William A. Adams ESTCO Battery Management Inc., Ottawa, Ontario
"Realizing the Dream: Clean Transportation Through the Application of Electrochemical Technology"
29 September |
POSTPONED Autumn Field Trip: La Pocatière tidal flats.
15 October |
M.A. Whitehead Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, McGill University
"Frederick Soddy, Ernest Rutherford, and New Zealand: different lives, different ideas, and different opportunities; colleagues but never friends"
(Joint lecture with the James McGill Society)
5 November |
Cameron Skinner Dept. of Chemistry, Concordia University "The Difficulty of Microscale Immunoassays"
10 December |
Martin Buehler Centre for Intelligent Machines, Dept. of Engineering, McGill University "Legged Robots"
21 January |
Nicole Paquet McGill Physical and Occupational Therapy
"Vertigo and Dizziness: Interventions and
Rehabilitation Research"
18 February |
Freda Miller Centre for Neuronal Survival, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
"New Sources of Stem Cells"
18 March |
Serge Rossignol Directeur, Centre de Recherche en Sciences Neurologiques, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Montréal
"Control of Walking by the Nervous System"
5 April |
Spring Field Trip Montreal Neurological Institute.
19 April |
Annual Banquet Lecture:
Melvyn Goodale CIHR Group on Action and Perception, University of Western Ontario “Sight Unseen: Action without Perception in Human Vision”