ActivitiesMonthly Monday meetings
commence with a Members' Reception in the Ruttan
Room, the Faculty Lounge, in the Chemistry
Department at 5.30PM for
cheese, wine and conviviality, and for members to
meet the invited speaker. Then either in this
lounge, or in the basement lecture theatre, room
10, the Lecture is given at 6PM.
Members and their guests then retire to the
Faculty Club for dinner with the speaker.
13 Sep 99 |
Dr. George
NRC, Ottawa

"Usual and Unusual Applications of Optical
Coatings" |
18 Oct 99 |
Dr. Pierre
Royal Victoria Hospital

"Transfusion Problems in Transit from Old
Hospitals to the New"
22 Oct 99 |
Visit to Boehringer-Ingelheim
Bio-Omega Research
Division, 2100 Cunard St. Laval, QC, H7S 2G5

Cost $ 5.
Leaves Roddick Gates at 12:30
Offer or request lifts when registering to:
Dr. M.A. Whitehead -
22 Nov 99 |
Dr. Igor Mel'Cuk,
Linguistique, Universite de

"Formal Modeling of Natural Language:
Meaning-Text Model"
13 Dec 99 |
Isztar Zawadski
Director Radar Laboratory, Atmospheric and
Atmospheric Sciences, McGill.

"Stormy Weather"
17 Jan 00 |
Jana S. Lamboy
Ornamentals IPM Specialist, Cornell University

"Microbial Products to Suppress Plant
21 Feb 00 |
Dr. Patricia McKinley
Physical and Occupational Health, McGill

"Why is Hopscotch Relevant to Motor
26 Feb 00 |
Ice-Breaking Expedition
Using Hovercrafts to Break Ice Lac St. Pierre, Trois Rivieres, Quebec
20 Mar 00 |
Dr. Robert C. Myers
Physics, McGill University

"Black Hole Thermodynamics and Beyond"
14 Apr 00 Banquet
Dr. Guy R. Narbonne
Geological Sciences, Queens University

"Origin of Ecosystems: A Pre-Cambrian Perspective"  |