Chapter’s First Young Researcher Talk by Dr. Mohid Kahn on Managing Pollution from small and medium scale industries in Bangladesh were rewarded with a truly an amazing talk which highlighted the peculiar problems of balancing the competing needs of Science, Environment, Factories, Governments, Buyers and the People and their Lives and Livelihood. It was thrilling to learn how an Engineer straight out of University with an Undergraduate Degree could be so influential in designing New efficient equipment, train engineers and teach the local people. The Final compromise could not satisfy anybody, but decreased Pollution an hundred fold. The audience was enthralled and impressed by hearing a real life story, from a man who had been an effective and brilliant cog in the wheel of the Research Team. If Canadians had showed the same ability to triumph over a bit of weather They would have enjoyed not just a fabulous Cheese and Wine Reception but also a real First rate Sigma Xi Talk