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Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Symposium
Bridging the Sciences
Now in it's fourth year, the Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Research Symposium brings together graduate students in all field of the sciences (including pure, health and applied sciences). Oral and poster presentations, on research projects of any nature, will be grouped under a number of interdisciplinary scientific themes. The symposium emphasizes the communication of ideas to an audience with a broad range of scientific interests and expertise. It is organized entirely by students, for students.
This year, IGSRS features roughly 85 presenters, who come from 24 different McGill departments and programs as well as from every other Montreal universities and beyond.
We invite scientists and engineers working in government and industry to join us for the judging of student presentations and awarding of prizes. Please contact us if you would be interested in doing this.
For more information about IGSRS, contact
Dr. Juan Vera, Chapter President , and Dr. M.A. Whitehead, Honorary Life President of the McGill-Montreal Chapter, will attend both days of the IGSRS to choose the best interdisciplinary research poster and oral presentation.
The prizes consist of a certificate of recongnition and student membership for Sigma Xi for one year.