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November 2006
Congratulations to the 14 winners of the 2006 Undergraduate Research competition who where given honorary memberships to Sigma Xi.
They also had the chance of shaking hand with one of McGill's Nobel laureates Dr. Marcus (in the picture) and listening to his talk.
learn more about Dr. Marcus
Biological Sciences, First prize: David Matthews
Biological Sciences, Second prize: Kwame Twuasi-Boateng
Earth System Science, First prize: Stephanie Palmer
Earth System Science, Second prize: Andrew McKinley
Health and Social Sciences, First prize: Julie Dumont
Health and Social Sciences, Second prize: Amélie Roy and Pénéloppe Thériault
Mathematical and Computational Sciences, First prize: Patrick Donovan
Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Second prize: Tayeb Aissiou
Medicinal Sciences, First prize: Stephanie Wong
Medicinal Sciences, Second prize: Xiaoyang Liu and Vincent Nadeau
Physical Sciences, First prize: Guillaume Lambert
Physical Sciences, Second prize: Michael Garfinkle