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Sigma Xi Canada :: Sigma Xi international :: American Scientist magazine
Last update: January 6th 2010
Janvier 2010
Joint meeting with James McGill Society
Dr. M. A. Whitehead from McGill University
Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry
President of the McGill-Montreal Chapter of Sigma Xi
Monday, 25 January 2010, 5:30 P.M.
McGill University
Otto Maass Building, Room OM-10
The Society of Sigma Xi from its founding has been first in many Scientific and Social aspects of American Society and History: The McGill Chapter has been unique and has played a fundamentally significant role in Sigma Xi. Meet the Ideas, the People and the Events of the last 124 years, focussing on numerous people in the McGill academic milieu who have contributed significantly to research at McGill and Canada.
A Quartet from the organized by Ashley Burgoyne will perform “The Sigma Xi Song” for only the second time in over 100 years to a possibly recognizable Tune.