The McGill-Montreal Sigma Xi Chapter :: site map & links
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Sigma Xi international :: American Scientist magazine
Certificates of Excellence
1. Certificate of recognition for efforts to honour researchers elected to memberships.
2. Outstanding chapter performance award for excellence2002-03:
1. Chapter Outstanding Program Award
A series of talks sponsored by the McGill-Montreal Chapter linked the brain, the body and the physics behind movement
2. Chapters of Excellence Award
The McGill-Montreal Chapter took a field trip to the Canadian Space Agency. The trip covered the Canadian Innovation: Canadarm 2, and other robotic innovations important for space exploration.1998-99:
Chapter of Excellence Award
The Chapter coordinated celebrations in honour of National Chemistry Week, including a week-long lecture series to capacity audiences on such wide-ranging topics as 'Chemistry and Literacy', 'scientific Writing in Quebec', the 'Chemistry of Explosives' and 'From Black Powder to Space'.