Sigma Xi Excellence
in Undergraduate
Research Awards Ceremony 2006
June 3rd, 2006
The Sigma Xi Excellence in Undergraduate Research Award is granted
to outstanding young researchers in the
Faculties of Science, Engineering and Agricultural and Environmental
Sciences. Each Department from these three
Faculties may nominate one undergraduate student who, in the judgment
of the Department, has excelled in research.
The award consists of a one year membership in Sigma
Xi including a subscription to the excellent magazine
Scientist .
The McGill-Montreal Chapter of Sigma Xi is grateful to the Deans
and Associate Deans of the Faculty of
Science, the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Agricultural
and Environmental Sciences who have
provided financial support for this award.
Congratulations to the 2006 winners!
Department |
Recipient |
Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental
Bioresource Engineering |
Samuel Pearsall Price |
Plant Science |
Vicky Berube |
Dietetics and Human Nutrition |
Vanessa Tardio |
Faculty of Engineering
Chemical Engineering |
Aurelie Tanguy
Mu Wang
Nadia Afara
Sandra Robaire
Metals and Materials Engineering |
Alan Lai |
Faculty of Science
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences |
Gabrielle Gascon |
Biochemistry |
Denise Cook |
Biology |
Christopher Von roretz |
Chemistry |
Eric Norman Zimanyi |
Earth and Planetary Science |
Michelle Deakin |
Geography |
Sarah Verreault |
Mathematics |
Leonid Chindelevitch |
Microbiology and Immunology |
Stephen Gowing |
Physics |
Dominique Laroche |
Physiology |
Christopher Lee |
Psychology |
Ryan Pulleyblank |
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Dr. Juan Vera, president of McGill-Montreal
Chapter of Sigma Xi, addresses the award winners
and families at the inaugural ceremony.
M. A. Whitehead, Director Canadian and
International Constituency Group, handing the awards for excellence
in undergraduate research to students.

Recipients of the Sigma Xi undergraduate research awards.

Dr. David M. Ronis congratulates his undergraduate research
student Eric N. Zimanyi.