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Recent News April 2008
Stop Press... IGRS 2008 Awards news to follow
SigmaXi Field Trip:
To Register:
1. $5 Registration fee
2. Can you offer car space or do you require car space?
3. Your contact details (email, telephone, fax(if you do) and address)
Send to: Zahid S. Mahimwalla
***We leave the Roddick Gates (intersection of Sherbrooke St. W. and Av. McGill College) at 1: p.m. if you selected option a and have a place in the carpool. Please check your email regarding meeting times and transportation.
A Carpool will be arranged for transport to the facility. If you have a car and would like to participate please let us know.
The Annual Lecture will be held on Friday the 18th of April at 6 pm in the McCord Museum Auditorium
Banquet Speaker: Professor Paul Wiseman,
"Watching the choreography of
life...modern microscopy imaging of living cells and neurons",
Banquet Dinner at Restaurant Le Caveau, same day at 7:30 pm.