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January 2007
Many thanks to Dr. Chris Williams for his talk on December 11th 2006.
More than 50 people were present
and many joined us for our Christmas reception, following the lecture.
Chris Williams lecture attracted 52 for the talk and 40 for the reception following; The Executive thanks our Joint Secretary Thomas Lazzara for organising such a splendid Reception after the Lecture: a splendid spread of Smoked Salmon, Pizza, BBQ Chicken and Potatoes, Cheeses and Desserts accompanied by appropriate Beverages, was enjoyed by our members from 7.15 pm to past 9.00pm. Our former Joint Secretary Florence Quist helped Tom to prepare the repast, while our Joint Secretary An Ngo did all the clearing up aided by the Speaker and Prof. Whitehead!
We were also Honoured to have the North Eastern
Regional Director
Dr. Zack Jacobson present at the Lecture and able to converse with so many of our members at the Reception: our Chapter is in the North-eastern Region and Zack is a great supporter of our Chapter.