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Programme for the 2007-08 year
Monthly Monday meetings commence with a Member's Reception in the Ruttan Room, The Faculty Lounge, in the Chemistry
Department at 5:30 P.M. for cheese, wine and conviviality, and for members to meet the invited speaker. Then either in the lounge, or in the basement lecture theatre, room 10. The lecture is at 6:00 P.M. Members and their guests then retire to Le Caveau for dinner with the speaker.
24 September : Prof. Liam Durcan
On Narrative: Fiction and the Bra
month's recent news
29 October : Prof. Andrew Kirk
Metamaterials and Negative Refraction: Is Harry Potter’s Invisibility Coat Possible?
month's recent news
19 November : Prof. Alejandro Rey
Modeling Liquid Crystal Materials and Processes in Biological Systems
month's recent news
17 December : Prof. M. A. (Tony) Whitehead
A Roller Coaster Survey of the History of Sigma Xi and The McGill Chapter
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28 January : Prof. David M. Green
Science vs. Policy in the Protection of Canadian Endangered Species
month's recent news
25 February : Prof. Jean Barrette
From Quarks to Galaxies: How our Universe was formed
month's recent news
31 March : Prof. Masad J. Damha
Gene Silencing through the use of synthetic DNA and RNA: the next wave of ‘magic bullets’?
month's recent news
11 Aprill :Annual SigmaXi Field Trip
Centre d'expertise en analyse enviromentale du Quebec
18th April Banquet: Prof. Paul Wiseman
Watching the choreography of life...modern microscopy imaging of living cells and neurons
month's recent news